Hello! Is it some good lookin' designs you're lookin' for?

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Hi! 👋 I’m Lucie - a versatile Visual Designer on a mega mission to bring high quality and high impact online experiences to the world.

I do this through stop-you-in-your-tracks websites, digital products, and visual collaboration experiences designed for platforms like Miro, Mural, Figjam and Welo.

Let's connect, engage and prosper through meaningful visual experiences 🌟

My Design Process

While no two projects are the same,  the fundamental processes rarely change. The key phases below are supported by years-worth of methods and materials that get us to the right answer efficiently and effectively.

Intro Call
We jump on a call to say "Hello! Nice to meet you!", before digging in a bit deeper into the problem you're trying to solve, and your current ideas for solution.
Briefing Document
Following our call, a briefing document bespoke to your project and specific requirements will be supplied for you to fill in.
Design Discovery
At the beginning of each project, we will work together through a Design Discovery to understand your exact requirements, objectives and explore styles and concept ideas.
The concept phase is my favourite! Here we get to explore different samples of visual styles aligned to our chosen theme and objectives. The world is our oyster here and the play levels are high!
The design phase is a collaborative process. We'll work closely to begin with - by maintaining regular touchpoints we mitigate any risk of the designs diverting from your vision.

There then comes a point where the balance has been met and I'll do some power boosting through larger chunks of the work and move towards the completion line.
Final Amends
A formal feedback round follows the finished designs, whereby we coordinate input from key stakeholders and implement changes accordingly.
Once the designs are fully approved, we move to the build phase. Building visual spaces in tools like Miro require specialist knowledge and thorough testing to ensure the platform can handle the construction and content, and that everything is in its right place.
Quality Assurance
Few projects are ready for consumption until they're formally tested. We'll ensure internal testing (or external for important ones) is scheduled, so that we fix any bugs before you hit that "Publish" button and shoot the confetti gun!
If you'd like to learn more about my design process, or you're all read-up and ready to start discussing your awesome idea, let's get on a call and talk, I'd love that!
Book a Project Intro Call

60+ Visual Miro Board Designs...

... and counting!


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Just some good vibes and thoughts when I think them.

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